Monday, October 17, 2005


When I was in elementary school, my Mom would drive Benjamin and I to the bus stop and we would wait in the car until we heard the bus coming. Benjamin and I liked listening to things like Billy Joel, The Mamas and Papas, Harry Belefonte, etc... One day we were sitting there listening to the Dirty Dancing tape. The song was "Do you Love Me?" I was in the back seat. Benjamin and my Mom were in the front. They were singing and doing a wild and crazy car dance, pretending to do the twist in their seats. When it was almost time for the bus to arrive I started to get nervous. What if they all saw Mom and Benjamin dancing around like fools in the car? How horrible would that be? I asked them to stop. They didn't. I told them to stop. They didn't. The situation became desperate. The bus was coming! I could hear it! I demanded that they stop. They danced harder and sang louder. I couldn't take it anymore. My Mom was SOOOOOO embarrassing! I started to cry. I was yelling at them and telling them to stop. They were laughing. Meanwhile, I was getting hysterical imagining the mortification my family was about to inflict on me. Why me? They both stopped dancing just as the bus appeared in sight. My mean mean Mom was still laughing as she waved goodbye. My mean mean brother was still laughing as we climbed the stairs and said hello to Pat, the bus driver. I had stopped crying, but was still red-faced and angry. It was a narrow escape.

Last weekend Kevin and I were leaving his parents' house and were stuck in traffic on Barry Road. It was a pretty day and we had the windows down. We had the iPod on shuffle when "Run Run Rudolph" started playing from our Rockin' Little Christmas album. Kevin said, "Yeah! I love this song!" and cranked up the volume.

"No!" I said. "Click it! We can't listen to this!"

"Why not? I like it."

"Because it's 'Run Run Rudolph' and this is October and we can't listen to it! We can't!" I'm looking around at the other cars. They're going to think we're crazy! I immediately thought of that traumatic day at the bus stop. "It's embarrassing!"

"That's stupid." And he turned it up even louder!!

I frowned and hunched down in my seat. "You're as bad as my Mom." I didn't cry, though!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Remember I said I was getting a company car? I'm pretty excited and all. Excited and frustrated. I don't like being jerked around. The associates at Champion Chrysler/Jeep are a load of bumpkins. My car was shipped on the 16th and was supposed to arrive in 7-10 days. Then they said 10-15 days. After 15 days they said it would arrive on October 3rd. On October 3rd they said it would arrive on October 4th. Upon arrival, I was told, the car would go through a check list that took about 30 minutes. Yes, they said, of course I could pick it up that day. No problem. I was very excited to be picking up my car today. I had everything I needed...scratch that. I had everything they said I needed when I talked to them yesterday.

Why the rush, you ask? Why do I have to have this car RIGHT NOW? Because. Because that's what I was guaranteed for one thing. But the important thing is that I have the car before I return to Fort Riley tomorrow. It is a lonely two and a half hours through Kansas to Fort Riley. Last weekend my car broke down on the highway. The car doctors said there was nothing wrong. Right. Then why did we lose power? WHY? I don't exactly feel comfortable driving through the lonely plains with no cell phone service waiting for my car to break down. That's why I waited for my new car to go back there. Scratch that. I waited until I was told I would have my new car to go back there.

Now? I'm driving to Fort Riley in my sick car tomorrow. And the next day. I can pick up my new car on Thursday. It may be too late. I will have been hit by a semi while hopelessly stranded on I-70 because the people at Champion Chrysler/Jeep are a bunch of big fat liars.

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