Monday, February 28, 2005

For Brian

For an old friend but a new reader, I am posting this link to my August 10th post. Happy reading, Brian!

Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold.

So I'm on hold right now with the Missouri Department of Revenue. We were doing our taxes last night and realized that we never received a 1099-G, whatever that is. We're getting money back. That's for sure. Here are some ideas on how we're going to spend it:

1) Buy new windows for our house.

2) Buy furniture for our empty living room.

3) Put the money in savings for an emergency (boring!).

4) Kevin thinks we should buy him a guitar and/or a drumset, neither of which he knows how to play. Yeah, right.

5) Fix all the little things we don't like about our house, like the light fixtures and get the fireplace fixed.

6) Save it to take a vacation together when we can both blow off work.

7) Buy silly things that we want but don't need like and I-pod.

8) Shoes. Shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes.

9) Ooh, maybe we could get one of those workout pool things that has the current that pushes you so it's like you can swim and swim and stay in one place. Yeah!

I'm still on hold. Please continue to hold, a representative will be with you momentarily. Thank you for holding, please stay on the line. Your call is important to us, please hold for the next available representative. Put a five second pause between each sentence and say those sentences over and over all morning. I guess I can just take the phone with me and curl back up in bed...Ah, they answered. I was not supposed to get a 1099-G because I did not itemize last year. Itemize? I just put the numbers into the computer program and hit "file" then "print." Huh. But now that computer tax thing won't let me go on without the 1099-G part. What if I get audited?!

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Email from D: There's a new trend in women's fashion that if you adopt we can't be friends anymore. It's the stupid 80's spiked heel boots with the jeans tucked in and all tight on the legs. So nasty. It makes all these women look like they have huge butts and are walking around on hooves. If you do that we can't be friends. I hope you agree with me.

I agree with D. Completely. That is 80's in a bad way. Off the shoulder boatneck tops over cute camis are 80's in a good way. Side ponytails are 80's in a bad way. Converse sneakers are 80's in a good way. Legwarmers are 80's in a bad way. Why can't people see this?

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Girls, Girls, Girls

I couldn't decide between Carrie and Nadia so I voted for them both.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Cast Your Votes!

I wanted to vote for Nikko because he is Ozzie Smith's son.

I wanted to vote for Constantine because I think he's really cute, in that Kurt Cobain grungy sort of way.

I almost voted for Travis because...DAMN!

I voted for Anwar because he's awesome.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I was just talking to my big brother on the phone. We "lost connection" right after I called him a big stinky dork (which he is) and I was saying that I was going to get him a bathtub for Christmas (because he needs to take more baths because he's a big stinky dork). I tried to call back but got his voicemail. Do you think it was a coincidence or did that big stinky dork hang up on me? Huh!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

That's how it's done in Orange County, Bitch.

I don't want to push my luck. I am on episode 7 of The OC Season One and so far Kevin has watched them all with me. I, of course, have seen them all. Kevin, however, was a latecomer to the show and has not seen the beginning of the story. And now we are getting to episodes that he has already seen...and guess what?...he's still watching! After dinner tonight (before dinner we watched two episodes--hey, we're snowed in here) he decided he had time to watch just one more. I told him we didn't have to watch The OC and he said, "But I kind of want to." He wants to! I tried to venture a bit of encouragement. I touched his arm and said, "This is fun, watching this together, isn't it?" I was answered with a shrug and an eye roll. Good enough. I'm trying to keep my mouth shut. If I pull something like that again he's likely to find something more manly to occupy his time. I'm just having so much fun!!

Breaking News

The top story in Kansas City this morning is the weather (surprise, surprise). Last night they were forecasting perhaps an inch of snow. This morning in a half-awake state I fumbled for the clicker and squinted at the TV to try to decipher the words in that highlighted box around Kansas City. Heavy Snow Warning. Oh, that's just great. So I have to settle in for a winter storm here. That's fine. Know why? Because I'm sick. Not just sick...siiiiiiiiiick. After my morning appointments I may take the rest of the day off to cuddle up with a warm puppy, a heating pad, lots of blankets, hot tea, and episodes upon lovely episodes of The OC Season One. In the words of Charlie Brown, "Happiness is being too sick to go to school but not too sick to watch TV." That Charlie Brown is wise beyond his years.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Since I know you have all been soooo worried about this, and since I made such a huge fuss over it, I thought I'd put your minds at ease. I emailed Lee to let them know how disappointed I was that I was unable to buy their stupid-only-jeans-in-the-world-that-fit-me-why-do-they-have-to-be-stupid-lees jeans in my size. I received a prompt reply telling me that while the stores may not carry this size, I can order directly from Lee. You can sleep now. Don't worry about me. It's all going to be alright.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


It's Saturday night. I'm watching my new Mary Poppins DVD. Kevin is listening to his headphones. We're just being lazy. Then the phone rings. It's an old friend of mine, Cristen. I didn't have many girlfriends in high school. There were some fleeting friendships, but they didn't stick. I hung with the boys. Cristen happened to go out with one of these boys, and I'm so glad she did! Isn't it wonderful how some things don't change? There are those few friends that will always be there, even if you haven't talked to them in weeks, months, years. The only thing that has changed is that before we start talking and giggling and finishing each other's sentences, after the initial, "Hello?," she now has to say, "Hey, it's Cristen!" before bounding into comfortable banter. Still, it's so damn nice to know that the friendship is still there, as if the years haven't gone by, as if we haven't grown up and changed. We have grown up, we have changed, but somehow the friendship hasn't. It wasn't a terribly long conversation. It was sort of a whirlwind exchange of information. Still, I feel like Cristen could show up on my doorstep right now and it wouldn't seem out of the ordinary. We'd sit around and chat, or go shopping, or go out to eat. It's so comfortable. I'm so glad Cristen called.

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