Wednesday, February 02, 2005


It's Saturday night. I'm watching my new Mary Poppins DVD. Kevin is listening to his headphones. We're just being lazy. Then the phone rings. It's an old friend of mine, Cristen. I didn't have many girlfriends in high school. There were some fleeting friendships, but they didn't stick. I hung with the boys. Cristen happened to go out with one of these boys, and I'm so glad she did! Isn't it wonderful how some things don't change? There are those few friends that will always be there, even if you haven't talked to them in weeks, months, years. The only thing that has changed is that before we start talking and giggling and finishing each other's sentences, after the initial, "Hello?," she now has to say, "Hey, it's Cristen!" before bounding into comfortable banter. Still, it's so damn nice to know that the friendship is still there, as if the years haven't gone by, as if we haven't grown up and changed. We have grown up, we have changed, but somehow the friendship hasn't. It wasn't a terribly long conversation. It was sort of a whirlwind exchange of information. Still, I feel like Cristen could show up on my doorstep right now and it wouldn't seem out of the ordinary. We'd sit around and chat, or go shopping, or go out to eat. It's so comfortable. I'm so glad Cristen called.

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