Monday, May 30, 2005

Eeew. He's from Chino. They don't even have a P.F.Changs.

My parents just left. They came to visit for the weekend. I like having them come to visit. The best part is, they don't mind being put to work. We cleaned windows. Not an easy task since out house is 50 years old and so are the windows. It was a two day ordeal, but now we can see out the windows without the fog! Saturday we were glad to stay in for dinner and I made a big pan of lasagna. Yum. Sunday we didn't work quite so hard and were happy to go out to eat at P.F.Changs. Again, Yum.

Since my Grandma just moved to a much smaller home, lots of her furniture and such was up for grabs. I only wanted one thing...the antique wooden cabinet with the built-in Magnavox record player. I was ready to put up a fight for it, but it turns out I'm the only one who wanted it. I don't understand why. I couldn't remember what it looked like, but I knew I wanted it. My parents brought it to me this weekend. It's one heavy bitch, or so it seemed watching Kevin's and Tim's red faces as they were moving it inside. Tim, Kevin's brother, informed me that I was keeping it whether I liked it or not and it was staying where they set it down. Huh. I LOVE it! It still works, sounds amazing, and even has a clicker! I think it must be the first clicker ever. It's a bit gaudy for our taste. Most of our furnishings are very clean and simple, but it's staying. I also got Benno's old records, which were fun to go through. My mom said she remembers Benno putting on the whole box of Mood Music for Dining for dinner parties. Hah!

And then there was this. No matter how old I get, my mom still finds ways to embarrass me. It's not so bad anymore that she stops and talks to strangers like she knows them. I had to grin and bear it yesterday when she was pestering a man at the hardware store for help when it was obvious that he didn't work there. Yes, he was wearing a uniform, but it clearly wasn't the huge red smock that the other Westlake associates were sporting. But this was it. Tim and his girlfriend, Julie, were at our house helping move the cabinet. This is the first time my mom has met Tim and Julie. Kevin was talking about a car accident he had worked and said a big fat black lady threw up all over him. Yes, yes...that's gross. But what did my mom say? She said, "Oh, I'm sorry but that just seems so much worse than little old white lady throw up." Can you believe that? I'm telling you, I was mortified! Isn't that just the most horrible thing to say? What Tim and Julie must think of us now! Ugh!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

New Things

My life has been full of trying new things. Generally, I am a creature of habit. All of this change and learning by trial and error is stressful! I'm new at staying by myself all night while Kevin is at work. I was terrified that the first night he was gone the bad guys who have been watching and just waiting would come and take me away. That didn't happen and I'm not so scared anymore. I'm actually starting to enjoy my evenings alone.

I'm new at running. I mentioned before that I'm doing a program called From Couch to 5K. Didn't think I'd stick with it, did you? I'm in the middle of week 6 and going strong. In three more weeks I'll be running 5K three times a week! I'm still not crazy about running, but I love the satisfaction I get from sticking to something I said I was going to do. I also love the results.

I'm new at knitting. I was stuck in a rut with it. It was time. Time to move out of my comfort zone of making flat squares and rectangles. Where my first completed scarf was terribly exciting, I'm now bored silly with scarves. So. I'm going to make this bag. To help make my life easier, I've discovered a knitting oasis. The women who work here are my new best friends. They offer help, encouragement, and friendship.

Maybe the next new thing I should try is actually working instead of checking my email, looking at knitting sites, checking blogs, and writing my own. Work. There's a novel idea. Here's to new things!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a long while. Sorry. Here's some news, though. I'm officially a fireman's wife! And did you know that the Kansas City Fire Department is known nationwide for being one of the most aggressive departments in the country? And it's, like, a really big deal? I'm very proud. And scared. But proud.

So to show Kevin how proud I am of him, I bought him this. I know we're like the last people in America to have one, but we're poor so it's huge for us. We don't usually buy each other presents, and if we do they are usually practical. This was a total splurge and Kevin was very pleased. Therefore, my time on the computer has been spent importing music and not blogging.

Lucy just ate a tomato. Cats are weird.

I have to go to Tina, MO today. Have you ever heard of such a place? Top is going with me. She enjoys car rides. Who says I can't take my dog to work? Who?

My Grandma is moving to Springfield this week. I think that's great. It's easy for me to say that because I live in Kansas City. Ha! Suckers! Really, I think she is very brave. She is leaving the house she shared with her husband for most of their long marriage. How difficult that must be.

Let's hope Kevin doesn't have to fight any fires today. I think the fact that he is a fireman is really cool and sexy and everything, but I don't want him to walk into burning buildings. That's crazy!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

One Man's Trash is Another's Treasure...

Did Hell freeze over? Because I don't hate running anymore. I don't like it, but I don't hate it. And for me to not hate running, Hell must have frozen over.

On another, stranger, I am working in my office. I hear a car pull up outside my house so, naturally, I turn around to look out the window. There is an unfamiliar and expensive looking green SUV parked at the curb and a blonde woman rifling through my recycling at the curb. Now I'm leaning on the window sill trying to get a better look. She's throwing various articles into her car. Why is she taking my trash? That's my trash! (Yes, I'm selfish. We've covered that.) So she must have felt me looking at her because she looked right at me and glared at me. I gave her my best who-are-you-giving-a-dirty-look-to-bitch-you're-digging-through-my-garbage look and turned around. Freak.

Friday, May 06, 2005

What I've Been Doing

Reading: Usually I only read one book at a time. However, somehow I've started three books and I've kept reading all three of them. I have my reasons. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by David Eggers...I am reading this because I was too wussy to get all the way through You Shall Feel Our was just so difficult! Five Smooth Stones by Ann Fairbairn...I started reading it because I was named after one of the characters and I'm going to keep reading it at least until Sara comes along, even though it is pretty boring so far. I'm barreling my way through Janet Evonavich's Stephanie Plum novels and can't seem to put them down.

Listening: I'm listening to two embarrassing romance audio books that don't need to be mentioned. I listen to one in the car and one while I run. I know. I'm a nerd.

Watching: Well, the shows that I TiVo every week are The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, As the World Turns, American Idol, Scrubs, America's Next Top Model, The OC (!!!), Joan of Arcadia, Numbers, and Saturday Night Live.

Exercising: Swimming has proven to be just too hard on my poor little shoulder. Plus, I'm lazy. It's hard to go to the gym. Therefore, even though I despise running in every way, I'm running. There is a lovely trail just outside my door! I'm doing a program called From Couch to 5K and it's working beautifully.

Knitting: I'm working on a pillow cover for the guest bedroom. I've done one already. I'm a little bored with it. I'm about ready to try my hand at circle knitting, I believe.

Cooking: My favorite place to find delicious new recipes is Cooking Light. If I'm making you one of these recipes's usually not so light by the time I'm finished with it. More cheese!

Working: Don't want to talk about it.

That's all. I'm bored with this now.

Monday, May 02, 2005


Last night was a usual Sunday night and ended with Kevin and I laying in bed reading. All day, my hair had been pulled back into two french braids, one down each side of my head. I took it out right before I got in bed and my hair was big and frizzy and curly.

Kevin: Is the alarm set?

I heard him, but for some reason didn't answer.

Kevin: Hey. Poodle. Is the alarm set?

Me: Who are you calling Poodle, Fuzz-head?

Kevin (red-faced): But, Boo! This is my actual hair!

I felt terrible, but was laughing too hard to apologize. Don't call me names. I'll hit you where it hurts!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Pinch, Punch, First of the Month

Sara: 57
Kevin: 3

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