Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a long while. Sorry. Here's some news, though. I'm officially a fireman's wife! And did you know that the Kansas City Fire Department is known nationwide for being one of the most aggressive departments in the country? And it's, like, a really big deal? I'm very proud. And scared. But proud.

So to show Kevin how proud I am of him, I bought him this. I know we're like the last people in America to have one, but we're poor so it's huge for us. We don't usually buy each other presents, and if we do they are usually practical. This was a total splurge and Kevin was very pleased. Therefore, my time on the computer has been spent importing music and not blogging.

Lucy just ate a tomato. Cats are weird.

I have to go to Tina, MO today. Have you ever heard of such a place? Top is going with me. She enjoys car rides. Who says I can't take my dog to work? Who?

My Grandma is moving to Springfield this week. I think that's great. It's easy for me to say that because I live in Kansas City. Ha! Suckers! Really, I think she is very brave. She is leaving the house she shared with her husband for most of their long marriage. How difficult that must be.

Let's hope Kevin doesn't have to fight any fires today. I think the fact that he is a fireman is really cool and sexy and everything, but I don't want him to walk into burning buildings. That's crazy!

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