Thursday, February 26, 2004

I have the most wonderful husband. A recent situation:

Me: You know my friend Adam? The one who lives in Alaska? I knew him in high school? [I conveniently left out the part about Adam and I dating the summer before I met Kevin, and how I often referred to him as "the one who got away," again, before meeting Kevin.]

Kevin: Is he still fighting fires in Alaska?!

Me: Um, I guess. I don't really know what he does there. Anyway, he's coming to Missouri for a couple of weeks.

Kevin: [Silence]

Me: He wants to make a whirlwind tour of Missouri to see everyone in the old group, you know?

Kevin: [Silence. Is he even listening?]

Me: Adam wants to come to Kansas City for an afternoon so we can catch up, talk about the good old days.

Kevin: OK

Me: OK? That's it? Because if your not OK with it, I'll tell him to skip Kansas City. I really will. [I was expecting a LITTLE bit of jealousy, and feel somewhat let down by the lack of it...maybe I can make the green eyes of envy flare] Adam and I dated, you know.

Kevin: I know.

Me: I really liked him.

Kevin: [Silence]

Me: [jumping up and stomping my foot] HE WAS THE ONE WHO GOT AWAY!!!!

Kevin: Have fun.

Me: [sulking back down onto the couch beside him] OK. You don't care?

Kevin: I don't care.

Me: I love you.

Kevin: Love you, too.

Just for the record, had the situation been reversed, and had Kevin come to me and said, "Honey, I'm going to spend the afternoon with an old flame catching up on old times," I would have said, "Oh, no you're not!!!" And I would have been a complete brat until he said that he wasn't going to see her. That's just the way it is. By the way, he doesn't call me Honey, but I'd like him to, and in my fictional accounts of nonexistent events, he will hereafter be calling me Honey.

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