Monday, February 16, 2004

It is official. I am turning into my mother. All week I look forward to the weekend for one alarm clock. Getting up in the morning is actually physically painful to me. It HURTS! The last couple of weekends, though, I have found myself waking up around 6:00 thinking about all of the things I could be doing if I just get out of bed. Unlike my mother, who gets up and starts working, I toss and turn and kick and punch the pillow for an hour or so before finally getting up. Other ways I am like my mother:

1) It's my way or the highway
2) Rather than asking my husband to help with the household chores, I do them all myself because I don't think he'll do it right (...except ironing. I DESPISE ironing and my mother irons EVERYTHING. Blue jeans don't need to be ironed, Mom.)
4) I talk in jibberish with my words all backwards and upside down and I expect everyone to listen to what I mean, not what I say.
5) I plan everything ridiculously far in advance. For example, my new house that I haven't even found yet is completely decorated and I'm already throwing imaginary dinner parties in my mind. (In reality, half of the rooms will remain empty for months and I don't even know enough people to throw a dinner party.)

I know there are many, many, many other ways that I am turning into my mother, I even look very much like her, but that is all that comes to mind at the moment. Happy President's Day!!

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