Thursday, February 12, 2004
Last night we had dinner at the Goods'. The Goods are our married couple friends. At least weekly, Kevin and I will eat with the Goods. Sometimes we cook, sometimes they cook, always it is a nice relaxed evening. The dogs play (rather, their dog torments poor old Top, but I think Top secretly likes it), and the rest of us hang out in the kitchen until the food is done, chatting about our days, jobs, families, etc... Dinner is always delicious, compliments are handed out to the cook, and the kitchen is promptly cleaned and put back to order. With full bellies, we all plop in front of the television and watch whatever the must-see TV is for the evening. Last night was the American Idol results show. This was 30 minutes of heated argument between the four of us over who voted for who on Tuesday and who should be eliminated. Kevin is above such silliness as calling and casting a vote for American Idol, but he has no qualms about arguing among the four of us and can be quite the know-it-all. All in all, it was another lovely evening with Goods, and I am looking forward to many such nights with my husband, our friends, the dogs, Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and the devastatingly handsome Simon Cowell.