Friday, February 06, 2004

Really, it was just a breast. I was a slightly shocked when Janet Jackson's breast was exposed at the superbowl halftime show, was just a breast. It takes an incident like this to make us sit back and look at the warped morals of America at Large. It was just a breast! No body was shot, there was no violence. If Justin and Janet had both brandished automatic weapons as props and started shooting up the stadium, America wouldn't have paused in the packing down of the chicken wings and cheese cubes to take notice. No big deal, the guns aren't real! There is no problem with gun violence in America! PEOPLE!! In fact, if we were in any country other than America, there wouldn't be this scandal. Breasts are everywhere. Sex isn't forbidden. Dirty. Not spoken of. Offensive. Damaging.

Terri Carlin of Knoxville is suing for billions of dollars claiming to have "suffered outrage, anger, embarrassment, and serious injury" upon glimpsing Janet Jackson's breast. Doesn't Carlin have breasts? Has she seen them? Do they embarrass her to distraction? This is clearly a misuse of our justice system, which is a different story for a different day. Americans, idiots like Carlin, need to start focusing on the real problems of our society and if one must point fingers, don't try to make an exposed breast the basis for America's moral decay. It was just a breast!

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