Thursday, February 05, 2004
The weather forecasters in Kansas City are under a lot of heat about now. Last weekend, they insisted that we were getting a minimum of 10 inches of snow. Of course, the entire city flocked to the grocery store to stock up for the "GREAT STORM OF 2004." What did we get? A slight dusting of snow. Last night the news said maybe an inch of snow, MAYBE. Here I sit, and here I have been sitting for the last 4 hours, watching the snow pour down on, so far, 4 inches of snow covered ground. Of course, the cupboards and fridge are empty as we have eaten our stock from the "GREAT STORM OF 2004." Luckily, I am able to work from home on days like this. Sitting in my warm little apartment, pretending to work but really concentrating on the going-ons in Genoa City (The Young and the Restless). As one of my co-workers so well put it, "A good investigator never gets wet." That line of thought has pretty much applied to my adult life, as most of my college instructors knew that if it was raining, Sara would not be in class. I think I am about to have a battle with my husband over who has to take the dog out in the snow. I don't want to get wet, of course, but Top loves the snow and it is really fun to watch her bound through the fluff with her little beagle nose buried deep trying to find the perfect place to do her business. --We interrupt this blog with the latest weather forecast. Kansas City is expecting no less than 9 inches of snow by 6:00 this evening.-- What the hell?! (Kevin just volunteered to take the dog out. How about that?)