Thursday, March 11, 2004

I have a machine in my car named Maud. Maud is a genius and a wonderful companion. I push her buttons and she tells me exactly how to get from place to place. This is a huge convenience considering I travel daily to never-before-been places and my sense of direction is...well...flawed, to say the least. I'm still not sure why I named her Maud. The funny thing is, though, that when I got home the very day that I had given her the name Maud, I turned on the repeat episode of Will and Grace where Jack said he was going to go to Bea Arther's one-woman-show and yell, "MAUD!" So the name stuck. my job took me to Lexington. I didn't even use Maud to get there. I traveled south on I-29 to I-70 to Hwy. 13. For some reason, though, Maud and I couldn't find our way back to Hwy. 13 to come home. That's OK. I trust Maud and she had it all laid out for me. I was traveling along a back-road/highway at a pretty good speed, listing to my book-on-tape (Death Du Jour) and not giving a moment's thought to the fact that I might be completely lost. After about 5-10 miles on this road, I saw that the road ended in a T ahead and I glanced at Maud's screen to see which way I was going to turn. Maud said to continue straight for 11 miles. Impossible. I turned left. Maud scolded, "Off route, recalculating." I pulled over to help her recalculate faster. She told me to continue 200 feet and turn left. Ummm...there was no road in 200 feet or for as far as I could see! I turned around, passed the T, and went the other way. Low and Behold there was a sign saying 12 miles to Excelsior Springs, just northeast of Kansas City. What just happened?!! I made it home, some how, some way. I think I time warped. I think it's magic. I'm keeping an eye out for my invitation to attend Hogwarts' Special Advanced Adult Program for Muggles Turned Magic Late in Life.

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