Thursday, March 18, 2004

I think one of the steps of growing up is supposed to be discarding childish nicknames. Nope, I won't do it. Even if I wanted to be called Sara, my family would still call me Boo, BooBoo, Sara Boo, or some other variation of the name. When I was a baby, according to my Mom, they would sing, "Sara Boo, I love you. Yes I do, my Sara Boo!" The name stuck, and I'm still Sara Boo to family.

When my nephew, Elliott, started to talk, my sister, Jennifer, said that they were going to try hard to make it Aunt Sara, not Aunt Boo. The reasoning behind this is that we don't want me to turn out like crazy Aunt Duck. I don't know Aunt Duck's real name, but we are convinced that she must be crazy because her name is Duck! So...the plan almost worked. Elliott, now nearly four years old, usually calls me Sara, but he is a very smart boy and he hears the rest of the family calling me Boo. So now when Elliott is very sleepy or grumpy and is being snuggly with me, he calls me BooBoo. It just melts my heart because he gets this little smile on his face and almost whispers it like he's not sure he can call me that. Now that Annie, my niece, is starting to talk, it almost seems as though we are skipping Sara, such a hard word, and going straight to Boo Boo.

So while, yes, I am now an adult, I am not relinquishing my childhood name. Once a Boo, always a Boo. It's's just who I am.

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