Monday, April 26, 2004

As I write, I am sitting in a cold, scary basement. I have banished all of Kevin's art stuff to the basement, calling it his studio, including his computer. I don't need this thing cluttering up my office! Unfortunately, his computer is nicer than mine and mine is not accepting the internet. So here I sit in the basement, a little scared, it is getting dark outside. My feet, of course, are curled up under me on the chair and will stay that way, damn the pain of it, until I make the mad dash back upstairs. Mice are bad. I haven't seen any signs of mice, but they are just waiting for me to let my guard down. Worse, I think there may be monsters down here. So I'll make this quick and get upstairs where I feel safe.

I started my search for a new grocery store today. I love my old Hy-Vee. Everyone in Kansas City knows that the best prices are at Hy-Vee and Price-Chopper. I happen to be very loyal to Hy-vee. There is a new Hy-Vee close by my new house so I thought I'd make a quick trip there. After all, it's still a Hy-Vee. How different can it be, right? WRONG! I was barely half-way through my list when I seriously considered abandoning my cart and going to my old Hy-Vee. This imposter pretending to be a Hy-Vee had everything in the wrong place! Everyone else seemed to be doing fine. I wanted to scream, "What is wrong with you people?! Can't you see that this store is all backwards and upside down and just plain WRONG? How can you shop like this? HOW?!!" It took me 20 minutes to find the zucchini, the one and only zucchini in the section. Upon spotting it, I hurtled my cart through the produce to beat everyone else to it, as if it the rest of the world was after my zucchini. No one else seemed to be bothered by this lack of zucchini. I guess they aren't making pasta salad this week. The didn't even have kiwi. How, I say HOW am I supposed to make a kiwi and mango salsa without kiwi? Anyway, it was terribly traumatic grocery shopping experience and from now on I'm hopping on the highway and going to my comfortable and familiar Barry Road Hy-Vee, where there's a helpful smile in every aisle.

For some reason, blogger's spell check isn't showing up on Kevin's crazy Macintosh, so pardon my spelling errors. I'm really nervous about the spelling of zucchini.

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