Friday, April 30, 2004

I had lunch with two co-workers/friends today. I am not proud to say that I finished my 1/3 pound hamburger. Just me. All by myself. I ate ALL OF IT, even the part of the bun that didn't have any meat in it. It was such a delicious hamburger, bursting with flavor! At the time, that is. Thinking back, all I feel is GRRRRAUUUUGHPHFFFFFF. Yes, that spells the way I feel. Sound it out (do it out loud) and you'll know exactly how I feel at this very moment, remembering that big greasy hamburger that I can still smell on my hands and it WON"T WASH OFF!! Oops, not a hamburger, a cheeseburger.

The two of them, both large men, marveled at how I managed to scarf that huge burger down. We sat at the table for a very long time, trying to get enough refills to make paying $3.50 for a drink worth it. We all had work to do, all were supposed to go to separate neighborhoods and knock on strangers' doors asking them to dish out information about their neighbors. But it was raining. POURING. (The old man was snoring...) We all said we might go just get them done, but laughed and knew that none of us were going to tromp around in the pouring rain in our suits/skirts and dress shoes/high heels. By the time we left, the sun was shining.

Co-worker/Friend #1: Huh. It stopped raining.

Me: Yep

Co-worker #2: I guess I can go do that neighborhood now.

Me: I'm not.

Co-worker #1: Me, either.

Co-worker #2: (shrugging) Me, either.

Such is the way it goes. We are having lunch again on Tuesday and I see things happening in much the same way. I won't, however, be consuming a disgusting, oversized, smelly, (delicious) cheeseburger. Salad, perhaps.

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