Tuesday, April 06, 2004
We close on our house on Friday. I have the apartment mostly packed up and there are boxes stacked everywhere. The animals are not coping well with the relocation activities. Lucy-cat, usually a wild child, has suddenly become a lap cat, giving my black business-wear a whole new look. Top spends half of her time shaking under the bed or in her favorite corner of the couch. The rest of the time she is running around the apartment like a mad woman barking her fool head off. My dog talk isn't the best, but as far as I can tell her fits translate to, "Take me with you, take me with you! Please don't leave me!! I love you, don't leave me!" Top's coping mechanism is to eat out of the litter box and drag litter all over the carpet. She's not even trying to be sneaky anymore. She just prances on in there and brings those turds right out and eats them in front of us. Eeeeww! We have tried to reason with them and explain that they are going to have a big new house and a yard to frolic in. Unfortunately, they understand less of us than we do of them. Lucy only understands her name. I'm not entirely sure that Top even understands her name, but she understands Night-night, Bye-bye, Outside, and Treat.
Blogging will be sparse for the next couple of weeks as we will be peeling wallpaper, painting walls, moving out, and moving in.
Blogging will be sparse for the next couple of weeks as we will be peeling wallpaper, painting walls, moving out, and moving in.