Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I usually take a book where ever I go, just in case I get a few minutes to read. When I am in a public place, such as an airport, airplane, doctor's office, etc... I refuse to be seen carrying a best seller. This is how much of a book snob I am. I will sit there with my nose stuck in Virginia Woolf, while my eyes glaze over and my headache worsens, not actually reading but daydreaming about the feeling of being lost in a good story. Don't get me wrong, I respect Woolf, but reading her is such a struggle for me that it makes my feel physically ill. Because of this fear of being seen reading a best seller (except Harry Potter, of course), it pains me to admit, but I really must get if off of my chest...I'm listening to a Nora Roberts book on CD and enjoying every naughty minute! Now, there are two kinds of best sellers. The ones that are best sellers because they are wonderful stories told in a clever way and the ones that, well, I really don't know how they become best sellers. In my opinion, Nora Roberts falls into the second category. I'm ashamed, I'm so ashamed!!