Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I knew all about him already. I knew his name. I knew that he was a few years older than me. I knew that while he was in college he visited some friends at their apartment complex. I knew that they went swimming, that he dove in the water, that the water was too shallow for diving, and that he is now a quadriplegic. I knew all of this already.

So when I went to his house today to talk to him about his neighbor, I thought I was prepared. I was not prepared for the punch in the gut I felt as soon as I saw him. First of all, he is gorgeous. He is tall, was wearing adidas pants and tennis shoes, and had brown hair and perfect features. He is a beautiful athletic man, stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, living in his parents' basement. I didn't miss the way he looked at me, the way he looked at my legs while I sat there and asked him the standard questions. I blushed a little when he looked at my face since I knew that he knew that I knew he was looking at my legs.

I stood up quickly after the last question and said I was done. He said that was a shame because he was having a good time. I put my hand with my wedding rings on top of my field notebook and credentials. I usually shake hands at this point, but he didn't have full use of his arms and I didn't know what to do. I started to show myself out, but he said he would walk me out. Then he said, "Well, I'll roll you out, that is." That very nearly broke my heart. Once outside, I told him thank you and that it was very nice to meet him. I meet so many types of people with my work. Sometimes it just hurts.

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