Thursday, July 08, 2004

My life has been spectacularly boring as of late, which explains the lack of regular postings on my part. Nothing blog-worthy has happened in weeks! Yesterday as I was taking the trash out, the bag busted and I got garbage--used cat litter--all over my spiffy black suit. That's the whole story, though.

I thought about writing about television...again. You know, how The OC hasn't gotten enough credit for it's likeable characters and clever writing, how Seinfeld cracks me up, how when I watch Everybody Loves Raymond late at night I laugh so hard I can't go to sleep for hours, how I think Joan of Arcadia is a beautiful and funny drama and I wish I remembered to watch it more often, how I miss the Nick at Nite line up that included I Love Lucy, The Odd Couple, Taxi, Newhart, and the Dick VanDyke Show (it's too early for me to look up VanDyke to see if I spelled it right). But my television blogs get old, right?

So this is what you get, a big nothing blog. I get up really early, drink a diet coke, work a bit, go to swim practice, take some advil (oh what a headache I get from those little monsters), work some more, make dinner, clean up after dinner, go to bed, get up really early, drink a diet coke...

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