Tuesday, August 10, 2004

I spent the entire weekend being 15 again. That is how I feel when I am with my old friends. Forever Fifteen. This was the weekend of the big wedding. One of my oldest and dearest friends, Jeff, was taking the marital plunge with his perfect little love, Julie. Julie is "old money" from Rochester, NY. This fact becomes important to remember later.

A bit of history:
In high school I was the token girl in a group of boys I lovingly referred to as The Nerd Herd. Hey, we were the coolest nerds in school. This group was comprised of Jeff and Andy (identical twins), Brian, my Brad, and myself. Others came and went from the group, but we were the lifers. There were other boys from outside our school who were also part of the group--James, Scott, John, and Adam. Of these boys, now men, only John was not at the wedding. Also at the wedding were some of Jeff's friends from college--Brandon, another Brad, Chris, and another Chris (who went to high school with us but was CERTAINLY not a member of our elite group). This made the wedding party complete. Oh, and I shouldn't forget to mention that each and every one of them, except my Brad, are complete and utter bafoons.

Now, the bride being from old money, she had a self-riotous rich bitch for a mother. These were some of her complaints:
1) The wedding venue was a fancy schmancy country club that required the men to wear jackets at all times. The wedding party showed up for rehearsal in tacky vintage corduroy and plaid jackets bought at thrift stores, borrowed from grandfathers, or taken out of fathers' closets or attics. Except Brad, of course. What self-loving gay man would don unappealing apparel for the sake of a good laugh?
2) We all squished into the same table at the rehearsal dinner and proceeded to get drunk very quickly. Profanity was thrown, food was thrown, love was thrown. It was a good time.
3) Adam wore white socks with his tuxedo.
4) The boys got restless before the wedding and proceeded to play hackey sack on the grassy area where the wedding was to take place. What's the big deal?
5) Scott didn't shave his unbelievably long and scraggly mountain-man beard until after the pictures. HA!
6) As soon as we sat down at our assigned seating at the reception, the boys all at the same time lunged for the lovely fresh-flower centerpiece and put huge chunks of it in their lapels.
7) None of us ate the fancy what-ever-it-was appetizer after the first bite. Eeeeew! Oh, and we made a HUGE deal about it, at that.
8) Adam had a dance-0ff with his father. We all thought it was great, more than a little sexy, and, after all, it is tradition. Julie's mom didn't seem to think it was appropriate.

All in all, it was a great time. Brad and I spent most of the weekend in our usual constant state of giggles, I got to show the boys that I look great in a dress, dance with all of my old chums, and Brad and I stole away for a quick trip to Niagara Falls.

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