Thursday, October 28, 2004

Sometimes when I'm with another investigator and we are both conducting official business, it is very hard for us to act mature, adult, and professional. Yesterday, I was with a coworker at a local police station, where we were both getting records. He was verifying the spelling of his subject's name, which happened to have the letters F U in the middle of it. So while spelling my coworker said,"Blah, blah, F U, blah..."

The clueless police officer repeated loudly, "F U?"

I snickered and tried to turn it into a yawn. My coworker, with a straight face, looked at the officer and said, "Yeah. F U."

When my coworker sat down I was all, "You said F U to the police officer!" and my coworker was all, "I know! I was like, 'Yeah, F U!'" We laughed about it for another few minutes, then harder outside when we could be obnoxious about it, we laughed all the way to the car, and then all the way to lunch, saying, "F U!"

I told you, we turn into children with badges.

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