Friday, December 10, 2004

It's baaaaaack! The Mystery Rash, that is. After meeting a coworker at Custard's Last Stand and indulging in a Berry Berry Berry concrete, I find myself with puffy eyes, a scaly face and neck, and a puffy lower lip. It seems that I may be having a reaction to one or more of the berries in the Berry Berry Berry concrete. But which one? This is very disconcerting because I LOVE fruit. Berries especially. If I didn't love berries, I wouldn't have had a Berry Berry Berry concrete. The word berry is starting to look silly to me. Kevin, supportive husband that he is, has taken to calling me Puffy Face. Isn't he sweet?

To top it off, tonight is what I've dubbed Reisenbichler Family Fun Night. Now say that with a sneer and dripping with sarcasm. Tonight, we are going to the movies with Kevin's parents, his brother, and his brother's girlfriend. Me, with my puffy face bare of makeup because I don't want to inflame THE RASH! Me, wearing my nerd glasses to try to camouflage my puffy eyes. Me, sitting on my hands to keep from scratching the fiery, itching, burning skin off my face. Reisenbichler Family Fun Night, indeed!

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