Monday, December 13, 2004


This is a story of revenge as it was told to me by my brother-in-law, Tim, and his girlfriend, Julie.

It is Family Fun Night. The six of us sit in couples, The Parents, Kevin, Me, Julie, and then Tim. The premovie screens are flashing. A screen of the AMC theater staff displays.

Julie: (turning to me) See that fat girl on the screen? That's what my roommate looks like.

Tim: Yeah, PH.

Julie: We don't call her PH anymore.

Tim: I feel sort of bad about that. Sort of.

Julie: See, a couple of weeks ago our alarm went off and Tim had to get up and go to work. As soon as the alarm went off, we heard Fat Donna jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. Now Tim was going to be late to work.

Tim: Fat Donna stayed in the bathroom for like 20 minutes...

Julie: ...and then she left the apartment right away. She did it on purpose.

Tim: So when I was in the shower I peed in her shampoo and conditioner.

Julie: When I got in there the bathroom reeked of urine.

Tim: That's because I pissed on her loofa, too!

Julie: She still doesn't know, and she still uses that loofa.

I'm dying laughing, but am still confused about the PH thing.

Tim: PH. Pee Hair. And if she does that again I'm gonna poop on her bed.

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