Monday, March 07, 2005

Weekend Update

1) Kevin and I bought living room furniture. Goodbye empty room! You should see the look on strangers' faces when you open the front door to them and invite them into an empty house.

2) We ate dinner at the Goods' house on Saturday and Sarah and I sat there for the millionth time and listened to Nathan and Kevin relive every moment of their freshman year of college. Do we have to do that every time?

3) We woke up on Sunday morning and realized that our neighbor's yard had caught fire.

4) Top had a very traumatic weekend. She had to have a bath two days in a row because she got all crusty and smelly on Sunday. She also at one point escaped and I found her barking at the front door. She seemed happy. I don't know where she was or how she got out of the house.

5) Kevin cleaned the gutters because the forecast called for thunderstorms.

6) We had the season's first thunderstorm.

7) Kevin and I went through all of his portfolios trying to decide which figure drawings to frame and put in the living room. Yes, we're going to have nude drawings in the living room. No, they are not of me. Puh-lease.

8) We took advantage of the beautiful weather and took Top for long walks. Her big ol' beagle ears catch the wind and she just moves her head back and forth. We kept expecting her to levitate and fly, fly away. She kept looking back to see why those two crazy people holding her leash were laughing so hard and flapping their arms.

9) I got all caught up on my TiVoed soap operas from the week. ATWT: Julia is dead and Lily can't deal with the guilt! Lily is going to tell Holden about the accident and ruin not only her life, family, and marriage, but those of Carly, too! B&B: Will Brooke forgive Ridge's betrayal? How could he have kissed her daughter? Y&R: Malcolm is Lily's biological father! Oh, my--Bobby is kissing Nikki and JT saw the whole thing! Will he tell Brittany? What about Brittany and Bobby's baby on the way?...I'm beyond pathetic.

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