Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I did a bad, bad thing. It started in college. Kevin and I had an ongoing battle. Nothing can ruin a nice, relaxing, hot shower like a huge cup of ice cold water poured on you from over the curtain. Through college, we got each other that way countless times. We started to get pretty mad at each other. When we moved in together after college, we agreed that we would no longer throw cold water on each other while in the shower. That was kid stuff. We were adults now. Kevin broke that promise one time. He just couldn't resist, I guess. That was, oh, about two years ago and I had decided to forgive and forget.

Yesterday we were chatting while Kevin was in the shower and he started talking shit. I mean, really talking shit. I warned him that he was going to get a cup of cold water. I warned him. He just kept going, though, adding how we promised and he knew I wouldn't do it and blah blah blah. He was so assured and talking so much that he didn't see my hand reach in and turn the knob all the way to cold. He just kept on talking until the water turned. I had snuck out of the bathroom by the time I heard his girlish shriek, "EEEEEEK!!" He poked his head out of the curtain to see me doubled over with laughter and collapsed on the floor. First he vowed to get me back, then promised not to. We know how much water that promise holds.

I think I better start locking the bathroom door.

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