Sunday, August 14, 2005

I've been having a hard time at work lately. I'm not going to go into the details, but it's been a bit rough. I'm very on again, off again with this job. As soon as I'm ready to give up and find another job, something happens to make me want to keep this one. For example, while my olfactory senses were rotting in Omaha, I was certain I wanted to find employment elsewhere. On our last telecon, though, we got the details of our new company cars and soon I'll be tooling around looking like a hottie in this. The deal is too sweet to pass up!

Have I written about my Uncle Bingo before (aside from mentioning in passing that I actually have an uncle called Bingo)? Uncle Bingo's son is Bing. Bingo was recently trying to do something on my computer and was appalled at the age and slow speed of my ancient machine. Bingo went to Bing, who is a computer whiz, and told my woeful tale of slow connection and technological ignorance. Before you could say Bingo Was His Name-O, I had a new machine. I even hooked it up myself! Oh, yeah. I'm that good.

Kevin and I decided on Thursday that we would go visit the Springfield gang on Saturday. Usually I plan things much farther in advance. There was no reason, we just decided we would like to see our nieces and nephew and Kev had had weekend off. Friday Top got sick and I couldn't get her an appointment with the vet until late Saturday morning. We decided that we would still go to Springfield, even though that would really cut back on our time with the family. I was sitting outside with my Dad and Tom, my brother-in-law, while Dad grilled the meat. We chatted for awhile and when my dad went inside Tom asked, "So, do you have any big news this weekend?" I immediately knew what he (and everyone else) was thinking. I took a swig of my beer and replied, "Would I be drinking this if I was pregnant?" Huh. Seems Kev and I have been the topic of family gossip. I'm surprised, what with my inept secret keeping skills, that they even had to ask. As if I could hold in news like that.

I'll do better with blogging this week. Promise. Like I said, I'm having a hard time at work and I'm trying to catch back up after working at Offutt AFB for four weeks.

Who has read Harry Potter? Who cried? Who sat in sorrow that the book was over not wanting to pick up another book knowing that it just couldn't compare? I used Where You Once Belonged by Kent Haruf to get out of the funk. He's one of my favorite authors. His writing is simple and compelling.

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