Monday, January 09, 2006


You've all heard about pregnant women and their sexy dreams. I read somewhere about a woman who watched David Letterman every night before she fell asleep and had sex dreams about him every night. (Had that happened to me I would have changed my late night viewing habits!) With this in mind, I watched The Sound of Music late last night with hopes that I would have dreams about a naked Captain von Trapp. Mmmmm. It didn't work. I did dream that I was trapped in a cave, though. Maybe I was von Trapped in the cave. Ha!

Maybe it was my choice of food that threw off my dreams. Food can affect dreams, you know. I had a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, nacho cheese doritoes, grape kool-aid, and thin mints. Think I'm pregnant? Yes, but I would have had that same meal a year ago, only I would have had just a few chips instead of nearly the whole bag and just a few cookies instead of a whole roll. And I drank nearly an entire pitcher of koolaid! My baby is probably swimming in purple.

I'm 15 weeks, in case anyone cares. At 20 weeks we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. Want to know the names? If it's a boy his name will be Oliver Patrick Reisenbichler. If it's a girl, and this is a little more complicated, it will either be Addison Tayler (or Taylor?), Addison Nicole, or Addison Amber. My personal choice was Addison Claire, but Kevin gave that a hearty thumbs down. What do you think?

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