Friday, May 19, 2006

"Why No Updates Lately?", someone asked.
I don't know why. Baby brain? Busy at work? Complete lack of things to talk about? I don't want to be one of those people who talks about being pregnant and nothing else. The problem with that is I feel like I am pregnant and nothing else. My mind is so completely consumed with getting ready for a baby that I have time for little else. Add to that a job that I am very good at but somehow always seem to be coming up short in the eyes of my fat boss. Speaking of said job, that is what I need to be doing. Not blogging. I'll try to do better. I'll try to remember funny things that happen to me. Oh, here is one, sort of. As I was driving on to the Army base last week and I was showing my credentials to the guard he told me that he could only let me on post under one condition. I raised my eyebrows at him. He said that he could only let me on if I promised to take him with me on my way back out. I guess he didn't see my large pregnant belly. I guess he was to thick to notice my grumpy and uninterested face. I tried the giggle I would have used a year ago but it came out much more like a cough. Has months of going without sexual harassment made me unable to deal with it properly? Huh. Things, they are a changin'.

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