Wednesday, September 27, 2006

And So it Goes
The job hunt continues, slowly but surly. It's hard, you know? I work full time during the day and work hard, at that. Then I come home to a family. I cook dinner. I take care of the baby. I do laundry and wash bottles. I fold clothes and clean up the house. I try to work out. When is there time to sit there looking through want ads and sending out resumes? Some coworkers and I have applied at the same place. How fun would it be if we all left at the same time and went elsewhere together? Talk about stickin' it to 'em! I just want a change. Period.

On a separate note, working out is hard with a baby. I feel fat, though I'm still pretty thin by most standards. Still, there is this little layer of fat over my abs that is driving me CRAZY. My dear husband thinks it's funny when I complain about my gut. But it's there and I want it gone.

I'm getting the fax I need now. Yay!

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