Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Sara's Checking Account: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Not since college has my checking account dipped below $100...until now. Not in several months has it dipped below $400. Some of you fancy pants rich folk might think having only $400 in your checking account the day before payday is living in poverty, but to us it's livin' the high life! Considering in college and just after we REALLY lived paycheck to paycheck, like we would have $5 before payday, having $400 extra is pretty extravagant. However, we have recently been struck by a series of unfortunate events that have kept us busy, hence the lack of blogs, and poor, hence the lack of a life to blog about.

*Top hurt her toe and I panicked and took her to the doggy ER. It turned out to just be a split nail, but it was a $120 split nail.

*While at the vet, it was discovered that Top had two abscessed teeth that were making her sick and needed to be removed. Not only did this make me feel like a terrible mommy, but it cost $240.

*After 7 months of home ownership and several calls to the water company, we were finally billed over $200 for water use thus far.

*I decided that we absolutely positively could not live another year with that scraggly old Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. New tree that we didn't really need: $110. My bad.

*I have recently been given a very large case load at Whiteman Air Force Base. This is about a two hour (one way) drive three or four times a week. While I get reimbursed for gasoline, right now it is taking it's toll in a big way.

*Kevin's truck didn't pass inspection. $350 for new ball joint thingies.

*$75 to get Kev's truck licensed for two years.

It's not so bad, really. At least we are able to pay for these unexpected expenses. We haven't even had to touch our meager savings...yet. So that's good. Now we just have to scrounge up some thoughtful (cheap) Christmas gift ideas and figure out a way to pay that blasted personal property tax!

Monday, November 15, 2004

I'm sorry! I know I haven't blogged in a whole week. I have thought about it. I have checked all of your blogs. My life has just been dreadfully boring. I still don't have anything to share with you. I'm writing this out of guilt.

Boring things that have happened in the last week, including the boring weekend:
*We are on hiatus from swimming because we Top drained us financially with her vet bill. We can't afford the gym right now.
*We took Top for a walk because she is getting fat.
*We winterized our windows with that shrink wrap stuff. We were afraid that it would look ghetto, but you can't even tell it's there.
*We spent Saturday with Kevin's family because they had family friends visiting from out of town.
*We went grocery shopping, like every weekend.
*I cleaned the house, like every weekend.
*We watched A LOT of TV.
*We rented Supersize Me and Kevin watched while I read a book.
*I watched Dirty Dancing Havana Nights with my friend, Jenny. Diego Luna is such a Sexy Rexy. I love him.
*Top got a bath, like every weekend.
*Kevin's parents' stupid devil-cat, Tab, viciously attacked me on two occasions, completely unprovoked.
*We hung out with Kevin's brother, Tim, and Tim's girlfriend, Julie.
*Kevin got new sneakers.

That's all. That's all I can think of. How could I have turned any of those events into a clever and enjoyable blog? I couldn't have. Perhaps something exciting will happen today and I can give you a much exaggerated version of it later this week. Let's hope, shall we?

Monday, November 08, 2004

As I go about my business, people are always asking me about my job. They always want to know if I like it. Without missing a beat I always exclaim, "Oh, I LOVE it! I make my own hours, I'm unsupervised, I get to meet lots of new people, I work from home..." Yadda, yadda, yadda. Am I trying to convince them or convince myself? Really, it's a great job. All those things are true. There's not much reason to dislike my job. Why, then, am I so miserable? It's not just a funk. I really truly don't like it. For one, I dislike my supervisor a great deal. But that can't be the reason I'm not happy. I know that no matter where I go there are going to be people that I don't like. That's just the way it is. Of course, my supervisor just happens to be the biggest bitch on the planet. And I mean big. Like when she sits around the office, she sits around the office, you know what I mean? But hey, her obesity, while perhaps part of her general crankiness, is no reason to dislike her. I also dislike the secretary, who would have my head on a platter if she heard me refer to her as a secretary. She has some fancy title. Really, she's the secretary. She answers the phone and does the office filing. Oh, and she bosses us all around like she's queen of the mountain. Ugh!

I wish I could be paid well to sit at home, watch the CBS soap operas, and read good books during the commercials. While we are trying to go to sleep Kevin begs me to either turn off the TV or turn off the light. No. I'm using both. I'm watching Just Shoot Me and I'm reading my book during the commercials. I need the TV and I need the light. That's my marketable skill. I watch TV and read at the same time.

Ok, I don't want to watch TV all day. Yes, I do. But I know that's not realistic. Can't I be a housewife? What happened to they days of women staying at home? Every night Kevin could come home after a hard day's work to a clean house, all the clean laundry put away, the table set and dinner ready to be served, and a happy wife. That's what is missing here. The happy wife. The wife is clearly not happy.

So. That's it. I don't like my job. I want something else. How does this whole job-hunt thing work, anyway?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

America is a nice place to live. The buildings are temperature controlled and the public bathrooms are free to all. We get free refills on our refreshments. We get to vote! We decide the fate of our country. Why? Because this is the land of the free. All men are created equal. Right? WRONG!!! I'm outraged by these results. What is wrong with this country? To me, this is like saying, "You can't get married because you are black or Jewish or blond-haired or green-eyed or a whole slew of traits that can't be altered."

My mom once had a teacher who said to the class that if just for one day every homosexual would turn purple, we would all be astonished at how many purple people there were out there. Some people would probably wake up saying, "Hey, I'm not purple!" Yes, you are. Yes, they are. Deal with it. Live and let live.

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