Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Rumor has it that when I turn 30 my metabolism will turn on me overnight. Like magic. From speed-of-light to nonexistent. I'm not exactly prepared for this. But I am eating like there is no tomorrow from now until next Wednesday. Starting on January 13th, or so they say, I am at risk of getting fat. I have a few other advantages in the fight against blubber. I don't like regular soda so I don't have to worry about those calories. I just have to worry about cancer from the disgusting amount of Diet Coke that I consume. I'm perfectly at peace with drinking light beer, though I do looooooove Boulevard Wheat. I'm active. Besides chasing around Oliver and Sam, I swim twice a week and do yoga twice a week. I make my sacrifices. Sleep. I give up sleep. I get up at 4:30 to swim. So here is my new mantra for my 30's: I'd Rather Be Skinny and Have Dark Circles Under My Eyes Than Be Fat and Well Rested. How do you think that would look on a bumper sticker?
Rumor has it that when I turn 30 my metabolism will turn on me overnight. Like magic. From speed-of-light to nonexistent. I'm not exactly prepared for this. But I am eating like there is no tomorrow from now until next Wednesday. Starting on January 13th, or so they say, I am at risk of getting fat. I have a few other advantages in the fight against blubber. I don't like regular soda so I don't have to worry about those calories. I just have to worry about cancer from the disgusting amount of Diet Coke that I consume. I'm perfectly at peace with drinking light beer, though I do looooooove Boulevard Wheat. I'm active. Besides chasing around Oliver and Sam, I swim twice a week and do yoga twice a week. I make my sacrifices. Sleep. I give up sleep. I get up at 4:30 to swim. So here is my new mantra for my 30's: I'd Rather Be Skinny and Have Dark Circles Under My Eyes Than Be Fat and Well Rested. How do you think that would look on a bumper sticker?
Monday, January 04, 2010
A Very Thomas Christmas
We had a very Thomas Christmas at our house this year. Thomas the Train, that is. It is all Thomas all of the time. Oliver got Thomas trains, sippy cups, videos, bath toys, pajamas, you name it. It's disgusting. I never thought one could actually miss the Wiggles. I find myself saying things like, "You have caused confusion and delay!" or, "Flatten my funnel!" That's just embarrassing. In typical little brother fashion, Baby Sam is following suit. He plays with the trains, lines them up, and chases me around saying, "Homash, Homash" which is clearly "Thomas" to the trained ear. I guess I shouldn't complain. When he becomes obsessed with the Power Rangers I'll be longing for my days of Thomas. Maybe.
We had a very Thomas Christmas at our house this year. Thomas the Train, that is. It is all Thomas all of the time. Oliver got Thomas trains, sippy cups, videos, bath toys, pajamas, you name it. It's disgusting. I never thought one could actually miss the Wiggles. I find myself saying things like, "You have caused confusion and delay!" or, "Flatten my funnel!" That's just embarrassing. In typical little brother fashion, Baby Sam is following suit. He plays with the trains, lines them up, and chases me around saying, "Homash, Homash" which is clearly "Thomas" to the trained ear. I guess I shouldn't complain. When he becomes obsessed with the Power Rangers I'll be longing for my days of Thomas. Maybe.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
And she's back! Look out. I have time to blog again. Stay tuned for updates and happenings since I stopped blogging in 2006. 3 years. Yowsa.
Friday, October 20, 2006

Goodbye, Ethel
Ethel took a 50 block ride in a woman's engine block. When she heard a kitten in there, she called the fire department to rescue it. Kevin, being the soft-hearted bloke that he is, couldn't resist her and brought her home. He knew we couldn't keep her, but wanted to find her a good home rather than take her to a shelter. I've fallen hard for her but she doesn't mix well with Oliver. My baby is not a scratching post. His squirmy little toes are not meant to be bitten. Pacifiers are not for kittens to chew. Ethel has managed to make a friend of Lucy and pushes Top's buttons. I met a man who wants a friend for his cat. I'm taking Ethel to him this afternoon. She's such a cutie. I wish we could keep her. I'm going to miss the little booger!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
My Voice!
The worst thing ever has happened. Laryngitis. I have no voice! I'm nothing if not a talker. I always seem to have lots to say. Saying it in a whisper just isn't cutting it. Kevin, I think, is loving it since my blabber-mouthiness sometimes drives him nuts. He hates my cough, though. I have a man cough and he has always hated it. I have a dainty little sneeze but a huge burly cough. And Kevin is not the only one who hates my cough. It makes Oliver cry, the poor little dear. And it's killing me not being able to sing to Oliver, to read him books, and to do fun nursery rhymes. All I can do is smile at him and cough at him.
Oh, the mailman just walked by my office window and scared me silly. Yikes!
The worst thing ever has happened. Laryngitis. I have no voice! I'm nothing if not a talker. I always seem to have lots to say. Saying it in a whisper just isn't cutting it. Kevin, I think, is loving it since my blabber-mouthiness sometimes drives him nuts. He hates my cough, though. I have a man cough and he has always hated it. I have a dainty little sneeze but a huge burly cough. And Kevin is not the only one who hates my cough. It makes Oliver cry, the poor little dear. And it's killing me not being able to sing to Oliver, to read him books, and to do fun nursery rhymes. All I can do is smile at him and cough at him.
Oh, the mailman just walked by my office window and scared me silly. Yikes!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
And So it Goes
The job hunt continues, slowly but surly. It's hard, you know? I work full time during the day and work hard, at that. Then I come home to a family. I cook dinner. I take care of the baby. I do laundry and wash bottles. I fold clothes and clean up the house. I try to work out. When is there time to sit there looking through want ads and sending out resumes? Some coworkers and I have applied at the same place. How fun would it be if we all left at the same time and went elsewhere together? Talk about stickin' it to 'em! I just want a change. Period.
On a separate note, working out is hard with a baby. I feel fat, though I'm still pretty thin by most standards. Still, there is this little layer of fat over my abs that is driving me CRAZY. My dear husband thinks it's funny when I complain about my gut. But it's there and I want it gone.
I'm getting the fax I need now. Yay!
The job hunt continues, slowly but surly. It's hard, you know? I work full time during the day and work hard, at that. Then I come home to a family. I cook dinner. I take care of the baby. I do laundry and wash bottles. I fold clothes and clean up the house. I try to work out. When is there time to sit there looking through want ads and sending out resumes? Some coworkers and I have applied at the same place. How fun would it be if we all left at the same time and went elsewhere together? Talk about stickin' it to 'em! I just want a change. Period.
On a separate note, working out is hard with a baby. I feel fat, though I'm still pretty thin by most standards. Still, there is this little layer of fat over my abs that is driving me CRAZY. My dear husband thinks it's funny when I complain about my gut. But it's there and I want it gone.
I'm getting the fax I need now. Yay!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Big Oops
In my ongoing attempt to keep you all laughing with the more humorous parts of my day, I have dug myself in deep. It seems that telling about the time I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe was a big No-No. And I shouldn't have expressed the beauty of a certain military plane and the way it makes me feel when it flies low lover a certain small Mid-Western town. Look out! So for the three or so of you who read this regularly, I'll just call you and tell you who I'm voting for on American Idol. Is it ok to use the phrase "American Idol?" I'll keep posting about less important things, though.
In my ongoing attempt to keep you all laughing with the more humorous parts of my day, I have dug myself in deep. It seems that telling about the time I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe was a big No-No. And I shouldn't have expressed the beauty of a certain military plane and the way it makes me feel when it flies low lover a certain small Mid-Western town. Look out! So for the three or so of you who read this regularly, I'll just call you and tell you who I'm voting for on American Idol. Is it ok to use the phrase "American Idol?" I'll keep posting about less important things, though.