Sunday, January 29, 2006
Sunday Night Blues
I hate it when Kevin works on the weekend. I like it when he works on a weekday. It's sort of nice to have a quiet evening to myself and then Top and I get the whole bed at night. But on weekends it's just too much quiet. I like to think that I'm going to have these super productive days when Kevin is gone. Instead, I turn into this giant slug. I'm hard pressed to even do my usual, everyday household things. I sit there on the couch with Top snuggled on my feet and the thought of folding laundry or emptying the dishwasher is just too daunting. I had one goal for today...go to the grocery store. But I hate grocery shopping! I don't know why, I just hate it. So I watched all of my soap operas left from the week on TiVo. Then I watched Will and Grace. Then I watched When Harry Met Sally. Sometime in there I actually brushed the cat and Top took a shower with me (yes, once a week the dog takes a shower with me). So the animals were clean even if the rest of the house was sort of a mess.
Before I got pregnant I was like this weekend warrior when it came to cleaning my house. I mean, I scrubbed it from top to bottom every weekend. Now I clean the bathrooms, take a nap. Clean the kitchen, have a snack, take a nap. Dust, take a nap. Then there's the vacuuming, my least favorite part. Then, since our house is mostly hardwood floors, I have to dust mop because I simply loath dust bunnies under the furniture. It's just tacky. Then sometimes, like today, the floors beg to be sponge mopped. It wants to be shiny like it used to be every weekend. So I did it.
I went to the grocery store and before I lost momentum I cleaned the whole house. It's gleaming...for now. Tomorrow Kevin and the pets will destroy all of my hard work. It's what they do. And now that the frenzied cleaning is over (and the laundry is even all folded!), I have the Sunday Blues. The I-hate-my-job-and-I-can't-fathom-five-whole-days-of-it blues.
Wow, this was a really boring post. Sorry, mates. I just wanted to write something since I know I'm going to spend the work week feeling sorry for myself and eating ice cream and may not get around to writing. Tomorrow I'm having a "talk" with my supervisor, who is a cow and hates me. My only goal there is to not cry because she has never had a nice word for me. Ever. Maybe I'll surprise myself and think of something clever to say while I'm in there instead of an hour later like I usually do. I wish firemen made more money so I could just tell her that she is a miserable old hag and QUIT!
And I know what you're thinking. What if she googles my name and reads my blog? That's ok. Things there can't get any worse. Boy, do I sound like a boo-bird. Grump grump grump!
I hate it when Kevin works on the weekend. I like it when he works on a weekday. It's sort of nice to have a quiet evening to myself and then Top and I get the whole bed at night. But on weekends it's just too much quiet. I like to think that I'm going to have these super productive days when Kevin is gone. Instead, I turn into this giant slug. I'm hard pressed to even do my usual, everyday household things. I sit there on the couch with Top snuggled on my feet and the thought of folding laundry or emptying the dishwasher is just too daunting. I had one goal for today...go to the grocery store. But I hate grocery shopping! I don't know why, I just hate it. So I watched all of my soap operas left from the week on TiVo. Then I watched Will and Grace. Then I watched When Harry Met Sally. Sometime in there I actually brushed the cat and Top took a shower with me (yes, once a week the dog takes a shower with me). So the animals were clean even if the rest of the house was sort of a mess.
Before I got pregnant I was like this weekend warrior when it came to cleaning my house. I mean, I scrubbed it from top to bottom every weekend. Now I clean the bathrooms, take a nap. Clean the kitchen, have a snack, take a nap. Dust, take a nap. Then there's the vacuuming, my least favorite part. Then, since our house is mostly hardwood floors, I have to dust mop because I simply loath dust bunnies under the furniture. It's just tacky. Then sometimes, like today, the floors beg to be sponge mopped. It wants to be shiny like it used to be every weekend. So I did it.
I went to the grocery store and before I lost momentum I cleaned the whole house. It's gleaming...for now. Tomorrow Kevin and the pets will destroy all of my hard work. It's what they do. And now that the frenzied cleaning is over (and the laundry is even all folded!), I have the Sunday Blues. The I-hate-my-job-and-I-can't-fathom-five-whole-days-of-it blues.
Wow, this was a really boring post. Sorry, mates. I just wanted to write something since I know I'm going to spend the work week feeling sorry for myself and eating ice cream and may not get around to writing. Tomorrow I'm having a "talk" with my supervisor, who is a cow and hates me. My only goal there is to not cry because she has never had a nice word for me. Ever. Maybe I'll surprise myself and think of something clever to say while I'm in there instead of an hour later like I usually do. I wish firemen made more money so I could just tell her that she is a miserable old hag and QUIT!
And I know what you're thinking. What if she googles my name and reads my blog? That's ok. Things there can't get any worse. Boy, do I sound like a boo-bird. Grump grump grump!
Friday, January 27, 2006

I knit up this cute little hat for a friend/coworker who is due at the end of February. Pretty cute, huh?

And this is me at 17 weeks. This may not seem like much to you, but I had a really flat pre-pregnant stomach. Like, six-pack flat. Don't hate me for that.

And showing some skin. Woo-hoo!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
For the Record
Let's just set some things straight. This blog site is about me. It's not about you. It's not about him. It's not about her. It's not about this. It's not about that. It's about ME! I write about things in my life that I think you might find interesting. I write to make you laugh.
If you have enough free time on your hands to google my name (I only wish I had enough free time to start googling peoples' names), you find my blog, you start reading it, and you don't much like it...stop reading it.
If you are close to me you will be well advised to remember this:
If you tell me something or if something happens to us while we are together and you want this to remain just between the two of us then it needs to be made clear to me that it is a secret. I'm very well capable of keeping all sorts of juicy secrets...if I know that it's a secret. Otherwise, I'm a big mouth. I'll tell all to all. Especially if I think it's funny!
So that's it, just for the record.
Let's just set some things straight. This blog site is about me. It's not about you. It's not about him. It's not about her. It's not about this. It's not about that. It's about ME! I write about things in my life that I think you might find interesting. I write to make you laugh.
If you have enough free time on your hands to google my name (I only wish I had enough free time to start googling peoples' names), you find my blog, you start reading it, and you don't much like it...stop reading it.
If you are close to me you will be well advised to remember this:
If you tell me something or if something happens to us while we are together and you want this to remain just between the two of us then it needs to be made clear to me that it is a secret. I'm very well capable of keeping all sorts of juicy secrets...if I know that it's a secret. Otherwise, I'm a big mouth. I'll tell all to all. Especially if I think it's funny!
So that's it, just for the record.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Old Friends, New Times
We had dinner with our friends, Nick and Sarah, last night. Nick and D have been friends since high school. Nick and I have been friends since, well, pretty much the first week of college. Our freshman year of college Nick and I were good friends, had lots of classes together, and ate all of our meals together in the dining hall. Freshman year Kevin and Sarah had lots of classes together and knew each other. Nick didn't know Sarah yet and I didn't know Kevin yet. Then somehow Nick met Sarah and they fell in love and I met Kevin and we fell in love and there you have it! Anyway...
Nick and Sarah live in Kansas City now with their little girl, Isabelle. They are truly a beautiful family. We are so excited to have more friends in Kansas City. We already seem to be falling into a routine of having each other over and cooking. It nice and relaxing and so good to be with friends. Nick is the drummer of Minus Story, a fantastic band sure to take the world by storm! D and I went to see them in April and I wrote about it here. Now that D is finally out to them, I can let them read that post! Actually, D let me out him to them, which was way fun for me. He was going to tell them last month when he was here, but changed his mind. Knowing me as they do, Nick and Sarah were beyond surprised that I kept it a secret for three years. Since keeping secrets isn't really my "thing" I'm pretty surprised, too!
Minus Story is playing in Lawrence, Kansas on Saturday night at the Bottleneck. Kevin and I will be there. Come and join us! A good time is sure to be had by all.
On a completely unrelated note, at 16 weeks pregnant, I have the start of a good little potbelly. Kevin and I are going to start taking pictures. If I can figure it out, I'll try to post one and let you have photo updates of my expanding belly. I know there are those of you who are loving this whole me getting fat thing, and I'd hate for you to miss the fun. I only wish we'd remembered to take a picture of my nice flat belly that may never be the same again...
We had dinner with our friends, Nick and Sarah, last night. Nick and D have been friends since high school. Nick and I have been friends since, well, pretty much the first week of college. Our freshman year of college Nick and I were good friends, had lots of classes together, and ate all of our meals together in the dining hall. Freshman year Kevin and Sarah had lots of classes together and knew each other. Nick didn't know Sarah yet and I didn't know Kevin yet. Then somehow Nick met Sarah and they fell in love and I met Kevin and we fell in love and there you have it! Anyway...
Nick and Sarah live in Kansas City now with their little girl, Isabelle. They are truly a beautiful family. We are so excited to have more friends in Kansas City. We already seem to be falling into a routine of having each other over and cooking. It nice and relaxing and so good to be with friends. Nick is the drummer of Minus Story, a fantastic band sure to take the world by storm! D and I went to see them in April and I wrote about it here. Now that D is finally out to them, I can let them read that post! Actually, D let me out him to them, which was way fun for me. He was going to tell them last month when he was here, but changed his mind. Knowing me as they do, Nick and Sarah were beyond surprised that I kept it a secret for three years. Since keeping secrets isn't really my "thing" I'm pretty surprised, too!
Minus Story is playing in Lawrence, Kansas on Saturday night at the Bottleneck. Kevin and I will be there. Come and join us! A good time is sure to be had by all.
On a completely unrelated note, at 16 weeks pregnant, I have the start of a good little potbelly. Kevin and I are going to start taking pictures. If I can figure it out, I'll try to post one and let you have photo updates of my expanding belly. I know there are those of you who are loving this whole me getting fat thing, and I'd hate for you to miss the fun. I only wish we'd remembered to take a picture of my nice flat belly that may never be the same again...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Birthday Poem
I forgot to share my birthday poem on my birthday so it's a few days late. I'm sticking with the same one from last year but still reserve the right to change my mind if I find a more perfect and fitting birthday poem. Here goes:
Yes, call me by my pet name! let me hear
The name I used to run at, when a child,
From innocent play, and leave the cowslips piled,
To glance up in some face that proved me dear
With the look of its eyes. I miss the clear
Fond voices which, being drawn and reconciled
Into the music of Heaven's undefiled,
Call me no longer. Silence on the bier,
While I call God!--so let thy mouth
Be heir to those who are now exanimate.
Gather the north flowers to complete the south,
And catch the early love up in the late.
Yes, call me by that name,--and I, in truth,
With the same heart, will answer and not wait.
--Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I forgot to share my birthday poem on my birthday so it's a few days late. I'm sticking with the same one from last year but still reserve the right to change my mind if I find a more perfect and fitting birthday poem. Here goes:
Yes, call me by my pet name! let me hear
The name I used to run at, when a child,
From innocent play, and leave the cowslips piled,
To glance up in some face that proved me dear
With the look of its eyes. I miss the clear
Fond voices which, being drawn and reconciled
Into the music of Heaven's undefiled,
Call me no longer. Silence on the bier,
While I call God!--so let thy mouth
Be heir to those who are now exanimate.
Gather the north flowers to complete the south,
And catch the early love up in the late.
Yes, call me by that name,--and I, in truth,
With the same heart, will answer and not wait.
--Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Lost Boy
When I was a freshman in college, there was this guy who ate in the same dining hall. He always wore ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. He had bleach blonde hair that he wore in a dated style, but he wore it well. To me, he looked just like Kiefer Sutherland in Lost Boys. I would follow him with my eyes as he walked in the door and through the line. Always, my friends would divert my attention or I would glance away for another reason. Poof. He was gone. I became convinced that he really was a vampire.
For the last few years Kiefer Sutherland has been back in a big way in 24. Is he still gorgeous, or what? 24's third season started on Sunday with a two hour premier and continued on Monday with another two hour episode. Kevin loves this show. I didn't regularly watch the first two seasons because it makes my heart beat too fast. So suspenseful! Last night we both sat tensely on the couch, sometimes pausing it to discuss exactly what we thought was happening. When a new character comes on we yell, "Good guy!" or "Bad guy!" When it was finally over we leaned back and exhaled. I uncurled my fists to examine the little red halfmoons my fingernails had made on my palms. I tried to breath slowly and regularly waiting for my heart rate to return to normal. What a show!
When I was a freshman in college, there was this guy who ate in the same dining hall. He always wore ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. He had bleach blonde hair that he wore in a dated style, but he wore it well. To me, he looked just like Kiefer Sutherland in Lost Boys. I would follow him with my eyes as he walked in the door and through the line. Always, my friends would divert my attention or I would glance away for another reason. Poof. He was gone. I became convinced that he really was a vampire.
For the last few years Kiefer Sutherland has been back in a big way in 24. Is he still gorgeous, or what? 24's third season started on Sunday with a two hour premier and continued on Monday with another two hour episode. Kevin loves this show. I didn't regularly watch the first two seasons because it makes my heart beat too fast. So suspenseful! Last night we both sat tensely on the couch, sometimes pausing it to discuss exactly what we thought was happening. When a new character comes on we yell, "Good guy!" or "Bad guy!" When it was finally over we leaned back and exhaled. I uncurled my fists to examine the little red halfmoons my fingernails had made on my palms. I tried to breath slowly and regularly waiting for my heart rate to return to normal. What a show!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Lesson Learned
So it turns out Doritos and grape Kool-aid don't make that great of a breakfast. When I woke up this morning, Doritos sounded really, really yummy. And since lately grape Kool-aid is all I want to drink, that was the logical beverage choice. I know hindsight is always 20/20, but something is telling me I should have seen this one coming. Doritos for breakfast is a bad, bad idea. Thank goodness for Pepto-Bismol.
My birthday is on Friday the 13th. Ooooh, spooky! I actually got a gift card from work for Borders. I've worked there for 3 1/2 years and this is the first time I've gotten a gift. Well, I'm not complaining if that's the way they want to do things now! I can't decide if I should get The Kite Runner or Rocco's 5 Minute Flavor. Isn't Rocco SOOOO cute?
So it turns out Doritos and grape Kool-aid don't make that great of a breakfast. When I woke up this morning, Doritos sounded really, really yummy. And since lately grape Kool-aid is all I want to drink, that was the logical beverage choice. I know hindsight is always 20/20, but something is telling me I should have seen this one coming. Doritos for breakfast is a bad, bad idea. Thank goodness for Pepto-Bismol.
My birthday is on Friday the 13th. Ooooh, spooky! I actually got a gift card from work for Borders. I've worked there for 3 1/2 years and this is the first time I've gotten a gift. Well, I'm not complaining if that's the way they want to do things now! I can't decide if I should get The Kite Runner or Rocco's 5 Minute Flavor. Isn't Rocco SOOOO cute?
Monday, January 09, 2006
Lunch with the Girls
It started out nicely. A few coworkers and I went to a soup and salad place for lunch. We all did the "How were your holidays?" and "How are the kids/husband/boyfriend/dog?" Then in turn we started dropping vague comments and complaints about our boss. These are not people I usually have lunch with, and we were all testing the waters a bit. By the end of an hour long lunch, we were all in full blown bitch-mode and had bonded in the way that you do when you find out that you all dislike the same person with such intensity. After one particularly long rant speculating how on Earth this woman is still working for the company, I sat back, smiled, and said, "Ahh. I feel better." We all laughed and agreed that we all felt much better.
Our company is very large but since we all work in the field and from home, the office is very small. We all wore satisfied little smiles as we re-entered the office (or the Lion's Den, as we sometimes call it). Today there was quite a bit of traffic in the office for whatever reason. As I gathered my things to leave, I breezed past the girls to say good-bye. "Let's do lunch again...soon!"
"Yes. Let's do," they agreed. Ah, yes. It certainly is nice to have lunch with the girls.
It started out nicely. A few coworkers and I went to a soup and salad place for lunch. We all did the "How were your holidays?" and "How are the kids/husband/boyfriend/dog?" Then in turn we started dropping vague comments and complaints about our boss. These are not people I usually have lunch with, and we were all testing the waters a bit. By the end of an hour long lunch, we were all in full blown bitch-mode and had bonded in the way that you do when you find out that you all dislike the same person with such intensity. After one particularly long rant speculating how on Earth this woman is still working for the company, I sat back, smiled, and said, "Ahh. I feel better." We all laughed and agreed that we all felt much better.
Our company is very large but since we all work in the field and from home, the office is very small. We all wore satisfied little smiles as we re-entered the office (or the Lion's Den, as we sometimes call it). Today there was quite a bit of traffic in the office for whatever reason. As I gathered my things to leave, I breezed past the girls to say good-bye. "Let's do lunch again...soon!"
"Yes. Let's do," they agreed. Ah, yes. It certainly is nice to have lunch with the girls.
You've all heard about pregnant women and their sexy dreams. I read somewhere about a woman who watched David Letterman every night before she fell asleep and had sex dreams about him every night. (Had that happened to me I would have changed my late night viewing habits!) With this in mind, I watched The Sound of Music late last night with hopes that I would have dreams about a naked Captain von Trapp. Mmmmm. It didn't work. I did dream that I was trapped in a cave, though. Maybe I was von Trapped in the cave. Ha!
Maybe it was my choice of food that threw off my dreams. Food can affect dreams, you know. I had a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, nacho cheese doritoes, grape kool-aid, and thin mints. Think I'm pregnant? Yes, but I would have had that same meal a year ago, only I would have had just a few chips instead of nearly the whole bag and just a few cookies instead of a whole roll. And I drank nearly an entire pitcher of koolaid! My baby is probably swimming in purple.
I'm 15 weeks, in case anyone cares. At 20 weeks we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. Want to know the names? If it's a boy his name will be Oliver Patrick Reisenbichler. If it's a girl, and this is a little more complicated, it will either be Addison Tayler (or Taylor?), Addison Nicole, or Addison Amber. My personal choice was Addison Claire, but Kevin gave that a hearty thumbs down. What do you think?
You've all heard about pregnant women and their sexy dreams. I read somewhere about a woman who watched David Letterman every night before she fell asleep and had sex dreams about him every night. (Had that happened to me I would have changed my late night viewing habits!) With this in mind, I watched The Sound of Music late last night with hopes that I would have dreams about a naked Captain von Trapp. Mmmmm. It didn't work. I did dream that I was trapped in a cave, though. Maybe I was von Trapped in the cave. Ha!
Maybe it was my choice of food that threw off my dreams. Food can affect dreams, you know. I had a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, nacho cheese doritoes, grape kool-aid, and thin mints. Think I'm pregnant? Yes, but I would have had that same meal a year ago, only I would have had just a few chips instead of nearly the whole bag and just a few cookies instead of a whole roll. And I drank nearly an entire pitcher of koolaid! My baby is probably swimming in purple.
I'm 15 weeks, in case anyone cares. At 20 weeks we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. Want to know the names? If it's a boy his name will be Oliver Patrick Reisenbichler. If it's a girl, and this is a little more complicated, it will either be Addison Tayler (or Taylor?), Addison Nicole, or Addison Amber. My personal choice was Addison Claire, but Kevin gave that a hearty thumbs down. What do you think?